Turn a 2d photo into a 3d animation with After Effects!

Learn the basics of Photoshop and After Effects and create your own 3D animations from scratch!



Turn a 2d photo into a 3d animation with After Effects!

Turn a 2d photo into a 3d animation with After Effects!



This course will help you learn Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects through an interesting and challenging visual project: the process of creating a 3D looking video scene from a still photograph!

The course is structured around the workflow of a professional After Effects user.

  1. You will learn the basics of Photoshop and get familiar with the tools you need for this project.
  2. You will learn all the important parts of Adobe After effects ie.: import, timeline, effects, special layers etc.


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     3. Than You will learn the animation process step-by-step from a 2D photograph to the finished 3D composition with added slow motion effect.

     4. You will learn to create a new project from multiple projects.

At the end of the course you will understand the workflow of creating 3D effect not only from photos, but logos, icons or info graphics! You can use your knowledge to create stunning animatied scenes from wedding photos, or pimp up your family album or your YouTube videos!


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