Learn the principles underlying how to draw, how to paint, and how communicate visually…
Art Fundamentals: Foundations of Painting and Drawing Course
What is the bottom line of this course?
Put simply, it’s a starting point to understanding visual communication. It will give you a solid foundation for your art learning and your art journey ahead. This course will not make you a professional artist. It will give you foundations for reaching a professional level – and foundations are EVERYTHING in art.
Art Fundamentals: Drawing and Painting Essentials covers the key foundational principles that underly artwork and its creation. This course is for artists of all levels.
Master The Essential Foundational Principles Of Drawing and Painting
- Learn how images are built, from 2D shapes to final finished paintings
- Understand how looseness, line weights and penmanship impact your artwork
- Grasp the fundamentals of a strong art workflow, and the real goal of a “rough”
- Gain insight on moving from vision to implementation, and reaching your idea
- Recognize the empirical patterns apparent in all artwork
- Learn to differentiate between art studies and art creation, and make real progress
- Embrace true 3D drawing by learning to “Draw Through”
Who this course is for:
- This course is for all levels of aspiring concept artists.
- This Course is for illustrators, manga artists, comic artists, painters, industrial designers, and imaginative realists.
- This course is for absolute beginners to art and high-end art professionals. The course content can be implemented traditionally and digitally.
- This course is not for you if you’re interested in non-realism art, such as abstraction.