Speed Up WordPress

Speed Up WordPress




If you need help post the support question as a comment on this page. Speed Up WordPress plugin offers you the power to accelerate your WordPress installation.


“The truth is that a slow loading website won’t only hurt your organic search performance but it can actually hurt your business as well.” -Nathan Gotch

“There are countless studies showing the importance of website loading speed and its effect not only on your organic search traffic performance, but also on your businesses performance as well.” -Nathan Gotch

“Mozilla Firefox reduced their average website loading time by 2.2 seconds, which increased downloads by 15.4%!” -Mozilla.org


The plugin modifies your WordPress settings including Apache .htaccess configs safely to improve performance. Low loading times for pages and files is vital for great user experience and high search engine rankings.

The powerful set of features includes:

  • GZIP compression and check, Apache
  • Set document expire times for caching
  • Enable lazy loading of images just before they appear for user
  • Disable hotlinking to save resources
  • Disable emojis JavaScript from loading
  • Shortcuts for other essential settings

If you don’t want any of these features just disable it via control panel. Automatic check verifies gzip compression is up and running correctly when you activate it. Document expire times allow user agents to use cached content so only changed files are downloaded at each visit.

Minifying the HTML output accelerates your site because there is a smaller amount of bytes to download. Image lazy loading makes the images on your posts to load only just before they become visible to the user. This decreases traffic and your pages will be initially loaded much faster.


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