The Imperial Knight 3D Tutorial for 3ds Max

Build and Rig a 3D Imperial Knight War Machine – with a free Optimus Prime tutorial too as a bonus!



OlBlue Presents The Imperial Knight 3D Tutorial for 3ds Max

Ol Blue Presents The Imperial Knight 3D Tutorial for 3ds Max



Everyone loves Mechs!  As a kid, I loved nothing more than coming up with awesome designs for mech robots that I would imagine in my favorite films and TV shows.  Now as an old, grizzled artist with over 20 years of experience in the industry, I make Imperial Knight 3ds Max high detail mechs and teach thousands of students professionally in my spare time.

Mechs are the best possible way to learn how to make complex hard surface models in a fun and relaxing way!  Want to make a tank?  If you know how to make a mech’s foot, you can make one easily!  Want to know about complex curved surfaces?  Mech Armour!  Procedural animation and rigging?  Mechs have that in SPADES!


View free videos of this course here


I have designed and built robots using 3ds Max and invented several major development pipelines that you can learn and use right now, plus I am always happy to chat about Mech design, tips, ideas, and advice!

So, over 20 hours of material, and more.  You should just dig right in and give it a try today, what have you got to lose?  You even get a FULL 12+ hour tutorial showing you how to make OPTIMUS PRIME as a FREE bonus!

MAKE A MECH! Become a KILLER hard surface artist.


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