A complete design education for product designers: Research the user experience, then design a great user interface…

Master Digital Product Design UX Research & UI Design

Master Digital Product Design: UX Research & UI Design

Digital products are more abstract and complex than any product we’ve designed before. People are using their digital devices faster, with less conscious thought, and more distracted than ever in history.

These issues present new challenges that require a new kind of design team to address. These design teams need to understand a complex range of behavioral psychology, perception, creativity, business. They need to understand what has come before, the history of design didn’t start with the iPhone. The history of product design started with the history of products!

I created this course out of frustration. Frustration that design education has been reduced to a handful of feal good quotes, an ineffective standardized design process, unquestioned research activities, and no mention of philosophy or critical thought.

We are designing the most complex product in history for the most distracted users. We’re expecting designers to work with an embarrassingly narrow understanding of design. I had to create this course for them, I had to create The Master Digital Product Design Course because no one else was doing it 😉

The Master Digital Product Design Course will give you everything you need to start designing products people love. It will take time and I advise you to work through all the exercises over a period of several months, leaving time for reflection and experimentation. This is not a fast track to any design job, this is a slow track to a great career.

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