Go from Knowing Nothing about Video Editing to Being an Expert as quickly as Possible. Master Video Editing in Premiere…

Video Editing in Premiere - Ultimate Guide to Video Editing.

Video Editing in Premiere – Ultimate Guide to Video Editing.

This course is designed to take you from knowing NOTHING about video editing to being an EXPERT as Quickly as Possible!

Phase: Knowing Nothing to Becoming an Editor

It’s important to learn video editing with Phase 1 first. In this Phase, we will go over the layout of Adobe Premiere and how everything works together. In fact, within your first lecture, you’ll know how to import footage, edit a basic commercial, and export it. The final video of Phase 1 will take you more in-depth through each menu item in Premiere. At that point, you’ll be ready for phase 2 of this course.

At that point, you’ll be ready for Phase 3 of this course.

Phase: Expert to Pro

In Phase 3 I’ll be showing you what I think the 5 main hurdles are to being a freelance video editor and what I would do to quickly overcome each of those hurdles. I’m not allowed to do a step-by-step guide or go in-depth on this section so we just cover the basics. However, we’ll still discuss: 

  • Choosing a Niche in Video Editing
  • Creating an Editing Reel
  • Finding Clients
  • How Clients Find Me
  • Building Trust with Clients
  • Freelance Editing Pricing

By the end of this course, you’ll know everything that I’d expert an expert video editor to know how to do in Adobe Premiere.

Enroll now and let’s get started!

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