Photoshop Manipulation and Editing Masterclass

Photoshop Manipulation and Editing Masterclass

Photoshop Manipulation and Editing Masterclass

The Photoshop Manipulation and Editing Masterclass Contains projects that help you master both editing techniques and conquer the simple and complex photo manipulation projects.

I will teach you non-destructive editing which allows you to edit or change a photo without disturbing the original photo, giving you more control over changes down the road.

We will change hair and clothing color by painting with blending modes and even learn how to paint on gold makeup for dramatic effects and lighting.

The first project will start to review the many ways to isolate and select our images to be placed in new environments and also learning how to edit glass to adapt to its new background. We will also change white wine into red!

View free videos of this course here

We will do a head swap project next. I detail the process of how to swap heads using a combination of tools like the liquify tool and the clone tools. Our next project will focus on painting make-up and producing dynamic lighting effects to create a character worth remembering.

Lastly, we will use all of the tools we covered in the class to conquer a complex photo manipulation with 6 photos that will look like one magical world when we are done.

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