Learn how to start and run up a Logo Design Process 2022. Learn by doing approach on Logo Design Process 2022…..

Logo Design Process 2022

Logo Design Process 2022

Hey! I’m Adnan Farooqui and I am a Graphic & Web Designer. I currently run a design agency based in Chicago.

Designing logos is very simple. But designing good and professional logos isn’t as simple as it looks. A logo is worth more than just drawing some cool shapes.

It feels awesome when you get a new client. But that feeling goes away when you realize that you don’t know how to approach the project. This happens when you don’t have a proper design process in place.

With a clear process, you’ll know what to do EXACTLY in order to deliver that perfect logo.

This is what I’m going to teach you in this course!

From start to finish, I’ll lay down a foundational process that you can follow for your logo design projects. This will help you work more efficiently & design logos that your clients will love.

This is what you’ll learn in this course:

  • Get an actionable plan on how to find and approach clients for logo design projects.
  • Master the art of pricing and negotiation that will make the client say ‘Yes’.
  • You will learn how to understand the client’s requirements and goals.
  • Become a Pro at finding ideas and sketching concepts for logos.
  • Learn how to design and present logos that will impress your client.
  • Become a successful logo designer who makes money designing professional & beautiful logos.

Are you ready to get started?

Who this course is for:

  • Designers who want to level up their Logo Design skills
  • Students who want to kickstart their journey as a creative professional and start making an income at an early age
  • Freelancers wanting to design professional logos FAST & Increase their logo design rates
  • Agency owners who want to develop a proper process for designing logos

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